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What is Restic

A Restic is a Kubernetes CustomResourceDefinition (CRD). It provides declarative configuration for restic in a Kubernetes native way. You only need to describe the desired backup operations in a Restic object, and the Stash operator will reconfigure the matching workloads to the desired state for you.

Restic Spec

As with all other Kubernetes objects, a Restic needs apiVersion, kind, and metadata fields. It also needs a .spec section. Below is an example Restic object.

kind: Restic
  name: stash-demo
  namespace: default
      app: stash-demo
  - path: /source/data
    retentionPolicyName: 'keep-last-5'
      mountPath: /safe/data
        path: /data/stash-test/restic-repo
    storageSecretName: stash-demo
  schedule: '@every 1m'
  - mountPath: /source/data
    name: source-data
  - name: 'keep-last-5'
    keepLast: 5
    prune: true

The .spec section has following parts:


spec.selector is a required field that specifies a label selector for the Deployments, ReplicaSets, ReplicationControllers, DaemonSets and StatefulSets targeted by this Restic. Selectors are always matched against the labels of Deployments, ReplicaSets, ReplicationControllers, DaemonSets and StatefulSets in the same namespace as Restic object itself. You can create Deployment, etc and its matching Restic is any order. As long as the labels match, Stash operator will add sidecar container to the workload. If multiple Restic objects are matched to a given workload, Stash operator will error out and avoid adding sidecar container.


The default value for spec.type is online. For offline backup you need to specify spec.type=offline. For more details see here.


spec.fileGroups is a required field that specifies one or more directories that are backed up by restic. For each directory, you can specify custom tags and retention policy for snapshots.

  • spec.fileGroups[].path represents a local directory that backed up by restic.
  • spec.fileGroups[].tags is an optional field. This can be used to apply one or more custom tag to snapshots taken from this path.
  • spec.fileGroups[].retentionPolicyName is an optional field that is used to specify a retention policy defined in spec.retentionPolicies. This defines how old snapshots are forgot by restic. If set, these options directly translate into flags for restic forget command.


spec.retentionPolicies defines a array of retention policies for old snapshots. Retention policy options are below.

PolicyValuerestic forget flagDescription
namestringName of retention policy provided by user. This is used in file groups to refer to a policy.
keepLastinteger–keep-last nNever delete the n last (most recent) snapshots
keepHourlyinteger–keep-hourly nFor the last n hours in which a snapshot was made, keep only the last snapshot for each hour.
keepDailyinteger–keep-daily nFor the last n days which have one or more snapshots, only keep the last one for that day.
keepWeeklyinteger–keep-weekly nFor the last n weeks which have one or more snapshots, only keep the last one for that week.
keepMonthlyinteger–keep-monthly nFor the last n months which have one or more snapshots, only keep the last one for that month.
keepYearlyinteger–keep-yearly nFor the last n years which have one or more snapshots, only keep the last one for that year.
keepTagsarray–keep-tag Keep all snapshots which have all tags specified by this option (can be specified multiple times). --tag foo,tag bar style tagging is not supported.
prunebool–pruneIf set, actually removes the data that was referenced by the snapshot from the repository.
dryRunbool–dry-runInstructs restic to not remove anything but print which snapshots would be removed.

You can set one or more of these retention policy options together. To learn more, read here.


To learn how to configure various backends for Restic, please visit here.


spec.schedule is a cron expression that indicates how often restic commands are invoked for file groups. At each tick, restic backup and restic forget commands are run for each of the configured file groups.


spec.resources refers to compute resources required by the stash sidecar container. To learn more, visit here.


spec.volumeMounts refers to volumes to be mounted in stash sidecar to get access to fileGroup paths.

Backup Repository Structure

  • For workload kind Deployment, Replicaset and ReplicationController restic repo is created in the sub-directory <WORKLOAD_KIND>/<WORKLOAD_NAME>. For multiple replicas, only one repository is created and sidecar is added to only one pod selected by leader-election.
  • For workload kind Statefulset restic repository is created in the sub-directory <WORKLOAD_KIND>/<POD_NAME>. For multiple replicas, multiple repositories are created and sidecar is added to all pods.
  • For workload kind Daemonset restic repository is created in the sub-directory <WORKLOAD_KIND>/<WORKLOAD_NAME>/<NODE_NAME>. For multiple replicas, multiple repositories are created and sidecar is added to all pods.

Restic Status

Stash operator updates .status of a Restic CRD every time a backup operation is completed.

  • status.backupCount indicated the total number of backup operation completed for this Restic CRD.
  • status.firstBackupTime indicates the timestamp of first backup operation.
  • status.lastBackupTime indicates the timestamp of last backup operation.
  • status.lastSuccessfulBackupTime indicates the timestamp of last successful backup operation. If status.lastBackupTime and status.lastSuccessfulBackupTime are same, it means that last backup operation was successful.
  • status.lastBackupDuration indicates the duration of last backup operation.

Workload Annotations

For each workload where a sidecar container is added by Stash operator, the following annotations are added:

  • indicates the configuration of applied Restic CRD.
  • indicates the tag of appscode/stash Docker image that was added as sidecar.

Updating Restic

The sidecar container watches for changes in the Restic fileGroups, backend and schedule. These changes are automatically applied on the next run of restic commands. If the selector of a Restic CRD is changed, Stash operator will update workload accordingly by adding/removing sidecars as required.

Disable Backup

To stop taking backup, you can do 2 things:

  • Delete the Restic CRD. Stash operator will remove the sidecar container from all matching workloads.
  • Change the labels of a workload. Stash operator will remove sidecar container from that workload. This way you can selectively stop backup of a Deployment, ReplicaSet, etc.

Next Steps

  • Learn how to use Stash to backup a Kubernetes deployment here.
  • To restore a backup see here.
  • Learn about the details of Recovery CRD here.
  • To run backup in offline mode see here
  • See the list of supported backends and how to configure them here.
  • See working examples for supported workload types here.
  • Thinking about monitoring your backup operations? Stash works out-of-the-box with Prometheus.
  • Learn about how to configure RBAC roles.
  • Learn about how to configure Stash operator as workload initializer here.
  • Want to hack on Stash? Check our contribution guidelines.