You are looking at the documentation of a prior release. To read the documentation of the latest release, please visit here.

Installation Guide

Using YAML

Stash can be installed via installer script included in the /hack/deploy folder.

$ curl -fsSL | bash -s -- -h - install stash operator [options]

-h, --help                         show brief help
-n, --namespace=NAMESPACE          specify namespace (default: kube-system)
    --rbac                         create RBAC roles and bindings
    --docker-registry              docker registry used to pull stash images (default: appscode)
    --image-pull-secret            name of secret used to pull stash operator images
    --run-on-master                run stash operator on master
    --enable-admission-webhook     configure admission webhook for stash CRDs
    --enable-initializer           configure stash operator as workload initializer
    --uninstall                    uninstall stash

# install without RBAC roles
$ curl -fsSL \
    | bash

# Install with RBAC roles
$ curl -fsSL \
    | bash -s -- --rbac

If you would like to run Stash operator pod in master instances, pass the --run-on-master flag:

$ curl -fsSL \
    | bash -s -- --run-on-master [--rbac]

Stash operator will be installed in a kube-system namespace by default. If you would like to run Stash operator pod in stash namespace, pass the --namespace=stash flag:

$ kubectl create namespace stash
$ curl -fsSL \
    | bash -s -- --namespace=stash [--run-on-master] [--rbac]

If you are using a private Docker registry, you need to pull the following 2 docker images:

To pass the address of your private registry and optionally a image pull secret use flags --docker-registry and --image-pull-secret respectively.

$ kubectl create namespace stash
$ curl -fsSL \
    | bash -s -- --docker-registry=MY_REGISTRY [--image-pull-secret=SECRET_NAME] [--rbac]

Stash implements a validating admission webhook to validate Stash CRDs. To enable this feature, pass the --enable-admission-webhook flag. Please note that, this works with Kubernetes 1.9.0 or later releases.

$ curl -fsSL \
    | bash -s -- --enable-admission-webhook [--rbac]

Stash operator can be used as a workload initializer. For this, pass the --enable-initializer flag. Please note that, this uses an alpha feature of Kubernetes.

$ curl -fsSL \
    | bash -s -- --enable-initializer [--rbac]

Using Helm

Stash can be installed via Helm using the chart included in this repository or from official charts repository. To install the chart with the release name my-release:

# Mac OSX amd64:
curl -fsSL -o onessl \
  && chmod +x onessl \
  && sudo mv onessl /usr/local/bin/

# Linux amd64:
curl -fsSL -o onessl \
  && chmod +x onessl \
  && sudo mv onessl /usr/local/bin/

# Linux arm64:
curl -fsSL -o onessl \
  && chmod +x onessl \
  && sudo mv onessl /usr/local/bin/

# Kubernetes 1.8.x
$ helm repo update
$ helm install stable/stash --name my-release

# Kubernetes 1.9.0 or later
$ helm repo update
$ helm install stable/stash --name my-release \
  --set"$(onessl get kube-ca)" \
  --set apiserver.enableAdmissionWebhook=true

To see the detailed configuration options, visit here.

Verify installation

To check if Stash operator pods have started, run the following command:

$ kubectl get pods --all-namespaces -l app=stash --watch

NAMESPACE     NAME                              READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
kube-system   stash-operator-859d6bdb56-m9br5   2/2       Running   2          5s

Once the operator pods are running, you can cancel the above command by typing Ctrl+C.

Now, to confirm CRD groups have been registered by the operator, run the following command:

$ kubectl get crd -l app=stash

NAME                            AGE   5s      5s

Now, you are ready to take your first backup using Stash.

Configuring RBAC

Stash creates two CRDs: Restic and Recovery. Stash installer will create 2 user facing cluster roles:

ClusterRoleAggregates ToDesription
appscode:stash:editadmin, editAllows edit access to Stash CRDs, intended to be granted within a namespace using a RoleBinding.
appscode:stash:viewviewAllows read-only access to Stash CRDs, intended to be granted within a namespace using a RoleBinding.

These user facing roles supports ClusterRole Aggregation feature in Kubernetes 1.9 or later clusters.

Using kubectl for Restic

# List all Restic objects
$ kubectl get restic --all-namespaces

# List Restic objects for a namespace
$ kubectl get restic -n <namespace>

# Get Restic YAML
$ kubectl get restic -n <namespace> <name> -o yaml

# Describe Restic. Very useful to debug problems.
$ kubectl describe restic -n <namespace> <name>

Using kubectl for Recovery

# List all Recovery objects
$ kubectl get recovery --all-namespaces

# List Recovery objects for a namespace
$ kubectl get recovery -n <namespace>

# Get Recovery YAML
$ kubectl get recovery -n <namespace> <name> -o yaml

# Describe Recovery. Very useful to debug problems.
$ kubectl describe recovery -n <namespace> <name>

Detect Stash version

To detect Stash version, exec into the operator pod and run stash version command.

$ POD_NAMESPACE=kube-system
$ POD_NAME=$(kubectl get pods -n $POD_NAMESPACE -l app=stash -o jsonpath={.items[0]})
$ kubectl exec -it $POD_NAME -c operator -n $POD_NAMESPACE stash version

Version = 0.7.0-rc.0
VersionStrategy = tag
Os = alpine
Arch = amd64
CommitHash = 85b0f16ab1b915633e968aac0ee23f877808ef49
GitBranch = release-0.5
GitTag = 0.7.0-rc.0
CommitTimestamp = 2017-10-10T05:24:23

$ kubectl exec -it $POD_NAME -c operator -n $POD_NAMESPACE restic version
restic 0.8.2
compiled with go1.9 on linux/amd64