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What is Repository

A Repository is a Kubernetes CustomResourceDefinition (CRD). It provides information of a restic repository in Kubernetes native way. When stash sidecar create a restic repository for backup in desired backend, it also create a Repository CRD object with relevant information of the repository. This enable user to view backup status of the workloads very easily.

Repository CRD structure

A sample Repository CRD object for backup a Deployment in local backend is shown below,

kind: Repository
  clusterName: ""
  creationTimestamp: 2018-03-29T05:39:04Z
  generation: 0
    restic: stash-demo
    workload-kind: Deployment
    workload-name: stash-demo
  name: deployment.stash-demo
  namespace: default
  resourceVersion: "10389"
  selfLink: /apis/
  uid: 7db206b0-3313-11e8-ad40-0800277f165c
        path: /data/stash-test/restic-repo
      mountPath: /safe/data
    storageSecretName: local-secret
  backupPath: deployment/stash-demo
  backupCount: 3
  firstBackupTime: 2018-03-29T05:40:05Z
  lastBackupDuration: 2.724088654s
  lastBackupTime: 2018-03-29T05:42:04Z

Here, we are going describe some important sections of Repository CRD.

Repository Labels

Repository maintain some important information in label. These labels enable user to filter Repository according to restic, workload-kind, workload-name, node-name etc. Details of these labels are given below.

Label nameDescription
resticName of the Restic which is responsible for this Repository.
workload-kindKind of the workload for which the Repository has been created.
workload-nameName of the workload for which the Repository has been created.
pod-nameThis label present when the respective workload is StatefulSet. It represent the pod name of the StatefulSet who is responsible for this Repository.
node-nameThis label present when the respective workload is DaemonSet. It represent the node name where the DaemonSet is running.

Repository Spec

Repository CRD needs the following information in .spec section.


spec.backend holds the backend information where the backup snapshots are being stored. To learn how to configure various backends for Restic, please visit here.

backend prefix/subPath

prefix of any backend denotes the directory inside the backend where the snapshots are being stored. If the backend is a Local backend then subPath is used for this purpose.

Repository Status

Stash operator updates .status of a Repository CRD every time a backup operation is completed.

  • status.backupCount indicated the total number of backup operation completed for this Repository.
  • status.firstBackupTime indicates the timestamp of first backup operation.
  • status.lastBackupTime indicates the timestamp of last backup operation.
  • status.lastSuccessfulBackupTime indicates the timestamp of last successful backup operation. If status.lastBackupTime and status.lastSuccessfulBackupTime are same, it means that last backup operation was successful.
  • status.lastBackupDuration indicates the duration of last backup operation.

Creation of Repository CRD

Whenever a restic repository is created according to these rules, it also create respective Repository CRD object. Name of this Repository CRD object is generated based on rules below:

  • For workload kind Deployment, Replicaset and ReplicationController Repository is created with name <WORKLOAD_KIND>.<WORKLOAD_NAME>. For multiple replicas, only one Repository is created as backup is taken by sidecar of replica determined by leader-election.
  • For workload kind Statefulset Repository is created with name<WORKLOAD_KIND>.<POD_NAME>. A separate Repository is created for each replica of a StatefulSet..
  • For workload kind Daemonset Repository is created with name <WORKLOAD_KIND>.<WORKLOAD_NAME>.<NODE_NAME>. One repository is created for each node where pods of a DaemonSet are running.

Working with Repository CRD

Here are some helpful commands to play with Repository CRD,

# List all Repositories of all namespaces in the cluster
$ kubectl get repository --all-namespaces

# List all Repositories created for a particular Restic
$ kubectl get repository -l restic=stash-demo --all-namespaces

# List all Repositories of Deployment workloads of all namespaces
$ kubectl get repository -l workload-kind=Deployment --all-namespaces

# List all Respositories of a particular Workload
$ kubectl get repository -l workload-kind=StatefulSet,workload-name=stash-demo

# List all Repositories of a particular node (DaemonSet only)
$ kubectl get repository -l node-name=minikube

Next Steps

  • Learn how to use Stash to backup a Kubernetes deployment here.
  • To restore a backup see here.
  • Learn about the details of Recovery CRD here.
  • To run backup in offline mode see here
  • See the list of supported backends and how to configure them here.
  • See working examples for supported workload types here.
  • Thinking about monitoring your backup operations? Stash works out-of-the-box with Prometheus.
  • Learn about how to configure RBAC roles.
  • Want to hack on Stash? Check our contribution guidelines.