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What is Repository

A Repository is a Kubernetes CustomResourceDefinition(CRD) which represents backend information in a Kubernetes native way.

You have to create a Repository object for each backup target. Since v1beta1 api, a Repository object has 1-1 mapping with a target. Thus, only one target can be backed up into one Repository.

Repository CRD Specification

Like any official Kubernetes resource, a Repostiory object has TypeMeta, ObjectMeta, Spec and Status sections.

A sample Repository object that uses Google Cloud Storage(GCS) bucket as backend is shown below:

kind: Repository
  name: gcs-demo-repo
  namespace: demo
      bucket: stash-demo-backup
      prefix: demo
    storageSecretName: gcs-secret
      from: Same
  wipeOut: false
  firstBackupTime: "2019-04-15T06:08:16Z"
  integrity: true
  lastBackupTime: "2019-04-15T06:14:15Z"
  totalSize: 2.567 KiB
  snapshotCount: 5
  snapshotsRemovedOnLastCleanup: 1

Here, we are going to describe the various sections of the Repository crd.

Repository Spec

Repository CRD has the following fields in the .spec section.

  • spec.backend spec.backend specifies the storage location where the backed up snapshots will be stored. To learn how to configure Repository crd for various backends, please visit here.

  • backend prefix/subPath prefix of any backend denotes the directory inside the backend where the backed up snapshots will be stored. In case of Local backend, subPath is used for this purpose.

  • spec.wipeOut As the name implies, spec.wipeOut field indicates whether Stash operator should delete backed up files from the backend when Repository crd is deleted. The default value of this field is false which tells Stash to not delete backed up data when a user deletes a Repository crd.

  • spec.usagePolicy This lets you control which namespaces are allowed to use the Repository and which are not. If you refer to a Repository from a restricted namespace, Stash will reject creating the respective BackupConfiguration/RestoreSession from validating webhook. You can use the usagePolicy to allow only the same namespace, a subset of namespaces, or all the namespaces to refer to the Repository. If you don’t specify any usagePolicy, Stash will allow referencing the Repository only from the namespace where the Repository has been created.

Here is an example of spec.usagePolicy that limits referencing the Repository only from the same namespace,

      from: Same

Here is an example of spec.usagePolicy that allows referencing it from all namespaces,

      from: All

Here is an example of spec.usagePolicy that allows referencing it from only prod and staging namespace,

      from: Selector
        - key: ""
          operator: In
          values: ["prod","staging"]

Repository Status

Stash operator updates .status of a Repository crd every time a backup operation is completed. Repository crd shows the following statistics in status section:

  • status.firstBackupTime status.firstBackupTime indicates the timestamp when the first backup was taken.

  • status.lastBackupTime status.lastBackupTime indicates the timestamp when the latest backup was taken.

  • status.integrity Stash checks the integrity of backed up files after each backup. status.integrity shows the result of the integrity check.

  • status.totalSize status.totalSize shows the total size of a repository after last backup.

  • status.snapshotCount status.SnapshotCount shows the number of snapshots stored in the Repository.

  • status.snapshotsRemovedOnLastCleanup status.snapshotsRemovedOnLastCleanup shows the number of old snapshots that has been cleaned up according to retention policy on last backup session.

Deleting Repository

Stash allows users to delete only Repository crd or Repository crd along with respective backed up data. Here, we are going to show how to perform these operations.

Delete only Repository keeping backed up data :

You can delete only Repository crd by,

$ kubectl delete repository <repository-name>

# Example
$ kubectl delete repository gcs-demo-repo
repository "gcs-demo-repo" deleted

This will delete only Repository crd. It won’t delete any backed up data from the backend. You can recreate the Repository object later to reuse existing data as long as your restic password in unchanged.

If you delete Repository crd while respective stash sidecar still exists on the workload, it will fail to take further backup.

Delete Repository along with backed up data :

In order to prevent the users from accidentally deleting backed up data, Stash uses a special wipeOut flag in spec section of Repository crd. By default, this flag is set to wipeOut: false. If you want to delete respective backed up data from backend while deleting Repository crd, you must set this flag to wipeOut: true.

Currently, Stash does not support wiping out backed up data for local backend. If you want to cleanup backed up data from local backend, you must do it manually.

Here, is an example of deleting backed up data from GCS backend,

  • First, set wipeOut: true by patching Repository crd.

    $ kubectl patch repository gcs-demo-repo --type="merge" --patch='{"spec": {"wipeOut": true}}'
    repository "gcs-demo-repo" patched
  • Finally, delete Repository object. It will delete backed up data from the backend.

    $ kubectl delete repository gcs-demo-repo
    repository "gcs-demo-repo" deleted

You can browse your backend storage bucket to verify that the backed up data has been wiped out.

Next Steps

  • Learn how to create Repository crd for different backends from here.
  • Learn how Stash backup workloads data from here.
  • Learn how Stash backup databases from here.