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What is Snapshot

A Snapshot is a representation of backup snapshot in a Kubernetes native way. Stash uses an Aggregated API Server to provide get and list capabilities for snapshots from the backend.

This enables you to view some useful information such as creationTimestamp, snapshot id, backed up path etc of a snapshot. This also provides the capability to restore a specific snapshot.

Snapshot structure

Like other official Kuberentes resources, a Snapshot has TypeMeta, ObjectMeta and Status sections. However, unlike other Kubernetes resources, it does not have a Spec section.

A sample Snapshot object is shown below,

kind: Snapshot
  creationTimestamp: "2020-07-25T17:41:31Z"
    hostname: app
    repository: minio-repo
  name: minio-repo-b54ee4a0
  namespace: demo
  uid: b54ee4a0e9c9084696dc976f125c4fd0e6b1a31abfd82cfc857b3bc9e559fa2f
  gid: 0
  hostname: app
  - /var/lib/html
  repository: minio-repo
  tree: 11527d99281bf3725d58cd637d1f3c19ab9d397d6cff1887a1cd1f9c8c5ebb80
  uid: 0
  username: ""

Here, we are going to describe the various sections of a Snapshot object.

Snapshot Metadata

  • specifies the name of the Snapshot object. It follows the following pattern, <Repository crd name>-<first 8 digits of snapshot id>.

  • metadata.uid

    metadata.uid specifies the complete id of the respective restic snapshot in the backend.

  • metadata.creationTimestamp

    metadata.creationTimestamp represents the time when the snapshot was created.

  • metadata.labels

    A Snapshot object holds repository and hostname as a label in metadata.labels section. This helps a user to query the snapshots of a particular repository and/or a particular host.

Snapshot Status

Snapshot object has the following fields in .status section:

  • status.gid status.gid indicates the group identifier of the user who took this backup.

  • status.hostname status.hostname indicates the host identifier whose data has been backed up in this snapshot. In order to know how this host identifier are generated, please visit here.

  • status.paths status.paths indicates the paths that have been backed up in this snapshot.

  • status.repository status.repository indicates the name of the Repository crd where this Snapshot came from.

  • status.tree status.tree indicates tree of the restic snapshot. For more details, please visit here.

  • status.uid status.uid indicates uid of the user who took this backup. For root user it is 0.

  • status.username status.username indicates the name of the user who runs the backup process that took the backup.

  • status.tags status.tags indicates the tags of the snapshot.

Working with Snapshot

In this section, we are going to show different types of operations you can perform on the Snapshots.

Listing Snapshots:

Stash lists Snapshots directly from the backend. This operation can take more time than the default request timeout of kubectl. So, we are going to increase the request timeout through the --request-timeout flag for get/list commands.

# List Snapshots of all Repositories in the current namespace
$ kubectl get snapshot --request-timeout=300s

# List Snapshots of all Repositories of all namespaces
$ kubectl get snapshot --all-namespaces --request-timeout=300s

# List Snapshots of all Repositories of a particular namespace
$ kubectl get snapshot -n demo --request-timeout=300s

# List Snapshots of a particular Repository
$ kubectl get snapshot -l repository=local-repo --request-timeout=300s

# List Snapshots from multiple Repositories
$ kubectl get snapshot -l 'repository in (local-repo,gcs-repo)' --request-timeout=300s

# List Snapshots of a particular host
$ kubectl get snapshot -l hostname=db --request-timeout=300s

# List Snapshots of a particular Repository and particular host
$ kubectl get snapshot -l repository=local-repo,hostname=db --request-timeout=300s

Viewing information of a particular Snapshot:

$ kubectl get snapshot [-n <namespace>] <snapshot name> -o yaml

# Example:
$ kubectl get snapshot -n demo local-repo-02b0ed42 -o yaml

Preconditions for Snapshot

  1. Stash provides Snapshots listing facility with the help of an Aggregated API Server. Your cluster must support Aggregated API Server. Otherwise, you won’t be able to perform get or list operation on Snapshot.

  2. If you are using local backend, the respective pod that took the backup must be in Running state. It is not necessary if you use cloud backends.

Next Steps

  • Learn how to configure BackupConfiguration to backup workloads data from here.
  • Learn how to configure BackupConfiguration to backup databases from here.
  • Learn how to configure BackupConfiguration to backup stand-alone PVC from here.