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Auto Backup in Stash

Stash can be configured to automatically backup of any stateful workloads in your cluster. Stash enables cluster administrators to deploy backup blueprints ahead of time so that application owners can easily backup any types of workload with a few annotations. This allows Enterprises to stay prepared for disaster scenarios and recover from offsite secure backups in case of a disaster on public cloud and on-premises datacenters.

What is Auto Backup

Stash uses 1-1 mapping among Repository, BackupConfiguration and the target. So, whenever you want to backup a target(workload/PVC/database), you have to create a Repository and BackupConfiguration object. This could become tiresome when you are trying to backup similar types of target and the Repository and BackupConfiguration have only a slight difference. To mitigate this problem, Stash provides a way to specify a blueprint for these two objects via BackupBlueprint crd. In Stash parlance, we call this process as Auto Backup.

You have to create only one BackupBlueprint for all similar types of target. For example, you need only one BackupBlueprint for Deployment, DaemonSet, StatefulSet etc. Similarly, you have to create only one BackupBlueprint for all PostgreSQL databases. Then, you just need to add some annotations in the target. Stash will automatically create respective Repository and BackupConfiguration objects using the blueprint and perform backups on pre-defined schedule.

How Auto Backup Works?

The following diagram shows how automatic backup works in Stash. Open the image in a new tab to see the enlarged version.

  Auto Backup Overview
Fig: Auto Backup Overview

The automatic backup process consists of the following steps:

  1. A user creates a storage secret with necessary credentials of the backend where the backed up data will be stored.
  2. Then, he creates a BackupBlueprint crd that specifies a blueprint for Repository and BackupConfiguration object.
  3. Then, he creates a workload with some specific annotations for automatic backup.
  4. Stash operator watches for workloads. When it finds a workload with annotations for automatic backup, it finds out the respective BackupBlueprint.
  5. Then, Stash operator resolves the blueprint by replacing variable fields of the blueprint with respective information from the workload.
  6. Then, it creates a Repository and a BackupConfiguration object for the workload according to the resolved blueprint.
  7. Finally, Stash starts rest of the standard backup process as discussed in here.

Note: BackupBlueprint is a non-namespaced crd. So, you can use a BackupBlueprint to backup targets in multiple namespaces. However, Storage Secret is a namespaced object. So, you have to manually create the secret in each namespace where you have a target for backup. Please give us your feedback on how to improve the ux of this aspect of Stash on GitHub.

Next Step

  • Learn how to configure automatic backup for workloads from here.
  • Learn how to configure automatic backup for PVCs from here.
  • Learn how to configure automatic backup for databases from here.