You are looking at the documentation of a prior release. To read the documentation of the latest release, please
visit here.
Installation Guide
Stash operator can be installed via a script or as a Helm chart.
Using Helm 3
Stash can be installed via Helm using the chart from AppsCode Charts Repository. To install the chart with the release name stash-operator
$ helm repo add appscode
$ helm repo update
$ helm search repo appscode/stash --version v0.9.0-rc.4
appscode/stash v0.9.0-rc.4 v0.9.0-rc.4 Stash by AppsCode - Backup your Kubernetes Volumes
$ helm install stash-operator appscode/stash \
--version v0.9.0-rc.4 \
--namespace kube-system
To see the detailed configuration options, visit here.
Using Helm 2
Stash can be installed via Helm using the chart from AppsCode Charts Repository. To install the chart with the release name stash-operator
$ helm repo add appscode
$ helm repo update
$ helm search appscode/stash --version v0.9.0-rc.4
appscode/stash v0.9.0-rc.4 v0.9.0-rc.4 Stash by AppsCode - Backup your Kubernetes Volumes
$ helm install appscode/stash --name stash-operator \
--version v0.9.0-rc.4 \
--namespace kube-system
To see the detailed configuration options, visit here.
Using YAML
If you prefer to not use Helm, you can generate YAMLs from Stash chart and deploy using kubectl
. Here we are going to show the prodecure using Helm 3.
$ helm repo add appscode
$ helm repo update
$ helm search repo appscode/stash --version v0.9.0-rc.4
appscode/stash v0.9.0-rc.4 v0.9.0-rc.4 Stash by AppsCode - Backup your Kubernetes Volumes
$ helm template stash-operator appscode/stash \
--version v0.9.0-rc.4 \
--namespace kube-system \
--no-hooks | kubectl apply -f -
To see the detailed configuration options, visit here.
Installing in GKE Cluster
If you are installing Stash on a GKE cluster, you will need cluster admin permissions to install Stash operator. Run the following command to grant admin permision to the cluster.
$ kubectl create clusterrolebinding "cluster-admin-$(whoami)" \
--clusterrole=cluster-admin \
--user="$(gcloud config get-value core/account)"
In addition, if your GKE cluster is a private cluster, you will need to either add an additional firewall rule that allows master nodes access port 8443/tcp
on worker nodes, or change the existing rule that allows access to ports 443/tcp
and 10250/tcp
to also allow access to port 8443/tcp
. The procedure to add or modify firewall rules is described in the official GKE documentation for private clusters mentioned before.
Verify installation
To check if Stash operator pods have started, run the following command:
$ kubectl get pods --all-namespaces -l app=stash --watch
kube-system stash-operator-859d6bdb56-m9br5 2/2 Running 2 5s
Once the operator pods are running, you can cancel the above command by typing Ctrl+C
Now, to confirm CRD groups have been registered by the operator, run the following command:
$ kubectl get crd -l app=stash
NAME AGE 5s 5s 5s
Now, you are ready to take your first backup using Stash.
Configuring RBAC
Stash introduces resources, such as, Restic
, Repository
, Recovery
and Snapshot
. Stash installer will create 2 user facing cluster roles:
ClusterRole | Aggregates To | Desription |
appscode:stash:edit | admin, edit | Allows edit access to Stash CRDs, intended to be granted within a namespace using a RoleBinding. |
appscode:stash:view | view | Allows read-only access to Stash CRDs, intended to be granted within a namespace using a RoleBinding. |
These user facing roles supports ClusterRole Aggregation feature in Kubernetes 1.9 or later clusters.
Install Stash kubectl plugin
Stash provides a CLI using kubectl plugin to work with the stash Objects quickly. Download pre-build binaries from stashed/cli Githhub release and put the binary to some directory in your PATH
. To install linux 64-bit you can run the following commands:
# Linux amd 64-bit
wget -O kubectl-stash \
&& chmod +x kubectl-stash \
&& sudo mv kubectl-stash /usr/local/bin/
If you prefer to install kubectl Stash cli from source code, you will need to set up a GO development environment following these instructions. Then, install the CLI using go get
from source code.
go get
Please note that this will install kubectl stash cli from master branch which might include breaking and/or undocumented changes.
Detect Stash version
To detect Stash version, exec into the operator pod and run stash version
$ POD_NAMESPACE=kube-system
$ POD_NAME=$(kubectl get pods -n $POD_NAMESPACE -l app=stash -o jsonpath={.items[0]})
$ kubectl exec -it $POD_NAME -c operator -n $POD_NAMESPACE /stash version
Version = v0.9.0-rc.4
VersionStrategy = tag
Os = alpine
Arch = amd64
CommitHash = 85b0f16ab1b915633e968aac0ee23f877808ef49
GitBranch = release-0.5
GitTag = v0.9.0-rc.4
CommitTimestamp = 2017-10-10T05:24:23
$ kubectl exec -it $POD_NAME -c operator -n $POD_NAMESPACE restic version
restic 0.9.1
compiled with go1.9 on linux/amd64