You are looking at the documentation of a prior release. To read the documentation of the latest release, please
visit here.
Stash v2020.07.08-beta.0 (2020-07-08)
- 843421e4 Show AppsCode in copyright file header (#26)
- ad462cc4 Update to Kubernetes v1.18.3 (#25)
- 28d53699 Update
- 34624044 Update
- 5f5de63c Fix openapi path (#24)
- 6e0ad5f8 Add script to update release tracker on pr merge (#23)
- cbf9b376 Update .kodiak.toml
- d12b3d4b Update to Kubernetes v1.18.3 (#21)
- 1956a312 Update to Kubernetes v1.18.3
- c3966002 Unwrap top level api folder (#20)
- 5ba03fb5 Update to Kubernetes v1.18.3 (#19)
- abeb620e Update to Kubernetes v1.18.3
- 6fdf8a60 Enable (#13)
- 479258ed Update dev scripts (#12)
- a85ced99 Merge pull request #11 from stashed/k8s-gomod-refresher-1591208266
- 82df6f26 Update to Kubernetes v1.18.3
- 788f6921 Add default annotation for Snapshotter (#9)
- d2f3f5d4 Remove defaults from crd v1beta1 YAML (#8)
- 1a09ffde Update dependencies
- 58525b4b Update dependencies
- c34c2ec1 Generate both v1beta1 and v1 CRD YAML (#7)
- e81205a3 Bring back mistakenly removed SetRecoveryStats
- 5f8cf3a6 Merge pull request #6 from stashed/k-1.18.3
- 723f4de9 Add context to crd utils
- 59478af4 Update to Kubernetes 1.18.3
- e83b90a7 Merge pull request #3 from stashed/wait-for-target
- a5b9a011 Simplify targetMatched() function
- 58948bd9 Refactor
- 5568cb90 Add RestoreSession conditions
- 906c5910 Add TypeMeta to invoker
- 22843fdb Use Go 1.14.3
- 238d1bd0 Add backup invoker condition transion reasons
- 275965f9 Introduce conditions for BackupConfiguration and BackupBatch
- 35159c81 Merge pull request #5 from stashed/fix-updatestatus
- f1d78326 Fix helper methods
- dbb02873 Fix UpdateStatus() function
- a7bd75ad Update crazy-max/ghaction-docker-buildx flag
- 1d65a7d4 Use recommended kubernetes app labels (#4)
- 5b322e9f Add Enum markers to api types
- e6017151 Trigger the workflow on push or pull request
- 54097441 Use kubectl v1.17 (#1)
- 3728110 Prepare for release v0.10.0-beta.0 (#26)
- e7111a5 Update License
- 7fe1e07 Update to Kubernetes v1.18.3 (#25)
- 66b3b46 Shorten command name for cli (#24)
- b913cfc Add workflow to update docs (#23)
- 1881c64 Update
- 0548bdc Update
- b1b28ff Use GITHUB_BASE_REF to detect target branch
- 1e16b99 Add script to update release tracker on pr merge (#21)
- f91bf33 Make release non-draft
- d29bdb6 Update .kodiak.toml
- b727108 Update to Kubernetes v1.18.3 (#20)
- f3f03aa Update to Kubernetes v1.18.3
- bcd7c5e Create .kodiak.toml
- 9882aa2 Add blank line after license header (#19)
- 7774218 Update dev scripts (#18)
- 38eb35c Run unit tests against SRC_PKGS
- 526949c Update to Kubernetes v1.18.3 (#17)
- fc3e6c5 Update crazy-max/ghaction-docker-buildx flag
- 3943575 Trigger the workflow on push or pull request
- 7115da1 Prepare for release 5.6.4-beta.20200708 (#87)
- f5ab33d [cherry-pick] Publish to testing dir for alpha/beta releases (#78) (#79)
- 7d73d30 [cherry-pick] Update License (#69) (#70)
- 04e8a63 Add commands to update chart version (#68)
- 3a5cd78 [cherry-pick] Update (#60)
- 77bb76e [cherry-pick] Update (#52)
- 3b47ba6 [cherry-pick] Update release.yml (#43) (#44)
- 444cb3b [cherry-pick] Add script to update release tracker on pr merge (#34) (#35)
- d349617 [cherry-pick] Add workflow to cherry pick commits to master (#25) (#26)
- 4038abd Fix chart release process (#24)
- 895a73f Update .kodiak.toml
- 6b9451c Allow overwriting secret key via SecretTransformation (#23)
- 0fcb64e Make waitTimeout Configurable through flag (#22)
- b3859b9 Create .kodiak.toml
- c0f3b97 Update to Kubernetes v1.18.3 (#21)
- 210dd08 Update crazy-max/ghaction-docker-buildx flag
- 5c74a42 Trigger the workflow on push or pull request
- 76424d0 Auto generate chart readme file
- fc144c2 Correctly mark optional fields
- 3559c2c Add openapi v3 schema for values file (#18)
- 46b8654 Update CI configuration
- 5c15319 Add support for providing s3 region (#17)
- c1b75a9 Make output.json file writable to all users + Fix Flag types (#16)
- f6d9709 Update hugo frontmatter for stash website
- 5ef236a Enable race detector in e2e tests
- 1980a77 Test installers (#14)
- 63a8396 Fix broken link and add AppBinding scheme field (#15)
- 82d3e7c Add license header to files (#13)
- c0241d4 Enable make ci (#12)
- 52f71de Fix BackupSession’s Print Columns (#11)
- 91964a5 Enable make ci (#10)
- a804cb0 Remove –enable-status-subresource flag (#9)
- 57c4898 Fix argument passing (#8)
- 15b1b3c Add release pipeline (#7)
- b02e1ad Prepare for 5.6.4 release
- 7161616 Prepare for 5.6 release
- 7baf065 Update go.yml
- c8b18b0 Fix typo (#6)
- 32445a6 Use InterimVolumeTemplate + Finalize doc template (#5)
- 16d35ec Enable GitHub actions
- acfb971 Improve error handling + remove metrics handling part (#4)
- 7e94690 Use docker buildx to build docker image
- 6e388ff Use[email protected]
- 6a82a60 Fix version suffix (#3)
- 2136ee6 Various fixes (#2)
- d98b25a Update Chart.yaml
- 806bf8c Fixed elasticdump & added docs (#1)
- 3c99f3c Reorganize repo
- 1972a9a VolumeSnapshot (#787)
- 3f1f4cf Remove importance of order of rule in RestoreSession (#795)
- 86a4af0 Skip BackupSession creation if target does not exist + use timestamp … (#797)
- 3abe6f6 Use restic 0.9.5 (#789)
- 85b21bf Update concept doc (#739)
- ad5c8f2 Add support for backup cluster resources YAML (#721)
- 2bb8ec3 Backup and restore Elasticsearch (#702)
- 1f21268 Update package path to (#776)
- e8fb571 Update to k8s 1.14.0 client libraries using go.mod (#775)
- eab0f8e Remove –rbac flag (#761)
- 4c3e7ea Skip creating/processing backup-session when backup-config is paused (#759)
- 7905eff Stash v1beta1 E2E test for PVC (#753)
- 2c44ee8 Implement snapshots for v1beta1 api (#749)
- c88df7a Run restic commands using docker (#754)
- 8e24d32 Fixed scratch-dir, output-dir and hostname in functions/tasks yamls (#744)
- 8d5944d Add Stash CLI (#734)
- 550ab37 Apply nice/ionice settings from env (#746)
- 42ed76b Stash V1beta1 E2E test for Deployment (#710)
- d63f9e9 Fix openapi path prefixes for validators and mutators (#732)
- c1347ed Add max-connections for GCS, Azure, B2 backend (#730)
- 859c4ee Rename admission webhooks to avoid name collision (#725)
- d631bb9 Apply EmptyDir settings to TmpDir (#719)
- cc70068 Add support for rest backend (#713)
- e4db000 Add support for OpenShift DeploymentConfig (#714)
- 3fa7bdb Backup and restore Mongo DB (#699)
- 4c39235 Backup and restore MySQL DB (#696)
- 3e89d32 Backup and restore Postgres DB (#695)
- 03b95f3 Add BackupSession Controller for Sidecar (#701)
- cacbc7d Update workload controller for new design (#675)
- 5c173e5 Post backup/restore status update (#691)
- 50bbb0a Backup and restore PVC (#676)
- d4a53e2 Add BackupConfiguration Controller (#671)
- ef9a4ae Update Kubernetes client libraries to 1.13.0 (#687)
- c48dbfc Separate type definitions into individual files (#646)
- 77f2113 Use flags.DumpAll to dump flags (#624)
- cb54d8c Set periodic analytics (#623)
- 248a53a Add validation webhook xray (#618)
- 2029bf4 Use dynamic pushgateway url (#614)
- bcf5926 Fix offline backup (#537)
- 5049a63 Fix extended apiserver issues with Kubernetes 1.11 (#536)
- 9d31255 Update client-go to v8.0.0 (#528)
- d872b4c Enable status subresource for crds (#524)
- 4795dba Remove ops-address port (#518)
- e95b151 Add support for initial backoff to the apiserver call on recover (#476)
- 120e5de Disable admission controllers for webhook server (#468)
- 2f19545 Update client-go to 7.0.0 (#463)
- e613ff5 Fixes RBAC issue in test (#449)
- 56a3a74 Some cleanup (#446)
- 02565bb Delete restic repository from backend if Repository CRD is deleted (#438)
- ea98067 Fix go_vet error (#440)
- 9d626eb Increase qps and burst limits (#435)
- 5c6713f Show repository snapshot list (#417)
- 6d8ef78 Expose swagger.json (#420)
- 8e04ca0 Create repository crd for each Restic repository (#394)
- 4c9a478 Rename –analytics to –enable-analytics (#384)
- 7ea2220 Replace initializers with mutation webhook for workloads (#363)
- 2770e6b Use admission hook helpers from kutil (#360)
- d3754d7 Implement offline backup for multiple replica (#335)
- 13a2d14 Use official code generator scripts (#336)
- 90642ce Fix e2e tests after webhook merger (#333)
- 2fc3239 Leave secure port unset
- 7cb52b2 Merge admission webhook and operator into one binary (#329)
- 3306427 Implement informer factory for backup scheduler (#325)
- 7bb027b Cleanup apiserver
- fb8c1e4 Copy generic-admission-server into pkg (#318)
- 5a5093f Use shared infromer factory (#317)
- 0ccb948 Use GetBaseVersion method from kutil (#316)
- 8c5e6ff Fix webhook command description (#314)
- 775a2b6 Merge webhook plugins into one. (#311)
- a8659fe Add ValidatingAdmissionWebhook for Stash CRDs (#299)
- c3e177c Added support for private docker registry (#300)
- 62ec42e Update dependencies to Kubernetes 1.9 (#297)
- cf3ea7c Update appscode/go log wrapper (#287)
- 470cc31 Pass –pushgateway-url for injected containers. (#284)
- e2e79c6 Fix kubectl version parsing generation in GKE (#267)
- 326aea4 Detect analytics client id using env vars (#265)
- 4a5912c Prepare docs for 0.6.0 release (#264)
- f75d5df Remove restic-dependency from recovery (#258)
- 86f01f3 Log operator version on start (#253)
- 4e29b70 Simplify clientID generation for analytics (#247)
- a45937f Set analytics clientID (#246)
- ea53cea Enable Restic cahce-dir flag (#241)
- dc0030d Implement offline backup (#229)
- ae40f35 Revendor kutil (#230)
- d68a34d Record recovery status for individual FileGroup (#222)
- 15a24b7 Leader election for deployment, replica set and rc (#206)
- 4a75689 Implement Recovery for Restic Backup (#202)
- 78b3942 Use typed versioned client for CRD
- b857b05 Change
pkg alias to core (#204) - e52f848 Use client-go 5.x
- 4f376ad Set hostname based on resource type (#198)
- e530116 Manage RoleBinding for rbac enabled cluster (#197)
- e28c13f Use workqueue for scheduler (#194)
- 2719cbd Fix e2e tests (#183)
- 9c1cc43 Use workqueue (#182)
- b3ee076 Only watch apps/v1beta1 Deployment (#178)
- 4f92ca6 Use Namespace() method from kutil.
- 78f1e7f Update kutil (#170)
- 29a8a1f Use apis/v1alpha1 instead of internal version (#167)
- da3eb2e Use kubernetes/code-generator (#163)
- 3b1d6bf Expose resync-period as flag
- 35d8dc6 Move analytics collector to root command (#164)
- 6a55694 Migrate TPR to CRD (#160)
- 91f678f Rename RepositorySecretName to StorageSecretName (#135)
- d666c81 Change mount path for labels to /etc/stash
- 1177d60 Part 6 - Update docs (#121)
- a15689d Various bug fixes (#118)
- d8a5771 Set TMPDIR env var for restic (#115)
- 60ed8f7 Update user guide (#94)
- cd44ba9 Prepare for release v0.10.0-beta.0 (#75)
- a04e173 Publish to testing dir for alpha/beta releases
- 4b23e1c Update License (#74)
- 9b7a4e0 Update to Kubernetes v1.18.3 (#72)
- 4318306 Update ci.yml
- 15d1594 Fix Stash Enterprise installer (#70)
- 31c9dcc Tag chart and app version as string for yq (#69)
- 1782049 Update links (#68)
- 634da4d Update
- 1155610 Update
- 1b10b5e Add script to update release tracker on pr merge (#67)
- ce0b28e Update release workflow
- c3ac668 Update ci.yml
- 98bad7e Add Stash Enterprise chart (#63)
- 73f52a6 Add commands to update chart (#65)
- 0dc7f91 Fix chart release process (#64)
- 0d5c4e1 Update .kodiak.toml
- 3b53e64 Update to Kubernetes v1.18.3 (#58)
- 43c5dbe Update to Kubernetes v1.18.3
- b9e784c Create .kodiak.toml
- b30b3b0 Merge pull request #57 from stashed/psp
- 1b89401 Disable apparmor and seccomp by default
- 6bed1aa Pass psp names for the jobs through flag
- bd35d81 Always use baseline psp for stash
- 4e3474a Add RBAC permission for generic-garbage-collector (#56)
- be006f6 Permit configmap list/watch -ing for delegated authentication checking (#55)
- 5685c15 Update dependencies
- 8b7b805 Update dependencies
- d2b2b09 Generate both v1beta1 and v1 CRD YAML (#54)
- 7fbcb29 Update to Kubernetes v1.18.3 (#53)
- 88e5e8c Use Go 1.14.3
- 8e56cb1 Trigger build on push to only master branch
- 562caf8 Use recommended kubernetes app labels (#52)
- cc55e5a Trigger the workflow on push or pull request
- fd8acf5 Update chart readme
- 672f37e Show examples in chart readme
- 39f4ca1 Auto generate chart readme file (#50)
- 47f4250 Update release.yml
- b68d9cb Cleanup newlines
- 20d51b0 Reformat stash chart template (#49)
- 65f8bee Use kubectl v1.16 as cleaner (#48)
- 85a7cfd Rename to (#47)
- b042def Move apireg annotation to operator pod (#46)
- a543953 Various cleanup (#44)
- b6e2bec Fix helm install –wait flag (#42)
- 806aada Do not harcode namespace (#40)
- 47b1d72 Prepare for release 3.4.1-beta.20200708 (#90)
- 67b293a [cherry-pick] Publish to testing dir for alpha/beta releases (#78) (#79)
- d8c9489 [cherry-pick] Update License (#66) (#67)
- 13f91cd Add commands to update chart version (#65)
- 5ec5c3c [cherry-pick] Update (#54)
- 409301c Add script to update release tracker on pr merge (#41)
- deed415 [cherry-pick] Update release.yml (#42) (#43)
- 7efcffb [cherry-pick] Add workflow to cherry pick commits to master (#29) (#30)
- 2ed8277 Fix chart release process (#28)
- b7b3bc6 Update .kodiak.toml
- 33abf73 Allow overwriting secret key via SecretTransformation (#27)
- ad30b7d Make waitTimeout configurable through flag (#26)
- 80f62d1 Create .kodiak.toml
- d8e7b86 Fix typos
- f5dfaea Update to Kubernetes v1.18.3 (#25)
- 4a462cb Update crazy-max/ghaction-docker-buildx flag
- 961fad3 Fix typos
- 14024ab Trigger the workflow on push or pull request
- c80a723 Auto generate chart readme file
- 223dbfd Correctly mark optional fields
- 8b3b75d Add openapi v3 schema for values file (#21)
- 6229815 Update CI configuration
- 3f2f090 Add support for specifying S3 region (#20)
- 55f007d Make output.json file writable to all users + Fix Flag types (#19)
- 93643f3 Fix with arguments to mongorestore (#14)
- 0d9595c Update hugo frontmatter for stash website
- cb27f47 Added –nsExclude=config.changelog to standalone
- a941eb0 Enable race detector in e2e tests
- 2ed387f Fix broken link and add AppBinding scheme field (#13)
- 8dd0ea1 Test installers (#12)
- 5199d20 Add license header to files (#11)
- f89adec Split imports into 3 parts (#10)
- 1c447f4 Fix BackupSession’s Print Columns (#9)
- 201a06e Enable make ci (#8)
- 613feea Remove –enable-status-subresource flag (#7)
- 95c3974 Update totalHosts from backup/restore process (#6)
- 3097a67 Fix argument passing (#5)
- ccdf81f Remove support for arm and arm64 architecture
- f0b8e87 Prepare for 3.4.17 release
- 16ad538 Prepare for 3.4 release
- c4eb920 Add release pipeline (#4)
- 02b9a9f Update go.yml
- 7ede5fd Finalize doc template (#3)
- bb3b7fd Enable GitHub actions
- 6874298 Improve error handling + remove metrics handling part (#2)
- 000f2c6 Use docker buildx to build docker image
- 867a620 Use[email protected]
- ecb6143 run
go fmt
- 618886d Improve Mongodump for sharded and replicaset cluster && Chart and documentation (#1)
- 4a7d5c8 Reorganize repo
- 1972a9a VolumeSnapshot (#787)
- 3f1f4cf Remove importance of order of rule in RestoreSession (#795)
- 86a4af0 Skip BackupSession creation if target does not exist + use timestamp … (#797)
- 3abe6f6 Use restic 0.9.5 (#789)
- 85b21bf Update concept doc (#739)
- ad5c8f2 Add support for backup cluster resources YAML (#721)
- 2bb8ec3 Backup and restore Elasticsearch (#702)
- 1f21268 Update package path to (#776)
- e8fb571 Update to k8s 1.14.0 client libraries using go.mod (#775)
- eab0f8e Remove –rbac flag (#761)
- 4c3e7ea Skip creating/processing backup-session when backup-config is paused (#759)
- 7905eff Stash v1beta1 E2E test for PVC (#753)
- 2c44ee8 Implement snapshots for v1beta1 api (#749)
- c88df7a Run restic commands using docker (#754)
- 8e24d32 Fixed scratch-dir, output-dir and hostname in functions/tasks yamls (#744)
- 8d5944d Add Stash CLI (#734)
- 550ab37 Apply nice/ionice settings from env (#746)
- 42ed76b Stash V1beta1 E2E test for Deployment (#710)
- d63f9e9 Fix openapi path prefixes for validators and mutators (#732)
- c1347ed Add max-connections for GCS, Azure, B2 backend (#730)
- 859c4ee Rename admission webhooks to avoid name collision (#725)
- d631bb9 Apply EmptyDir settings to TmpDir (#719)
- cc70068 Add support for rest backend (#713)
- e4db000 Add support for OpenShift DeploymentConfig (#714)
- 3fa7bdb Backup and restore Mongo DB (#699)
- 4c39235 Backup and restore MySQL DB (#696)
- 3e89d32 Backup and restore Postgres DB (#695)
- 03b95f3 Add BackupSession Controller for Sidecar (#701)
- cacbc7d Update workload controller for new design (#675)
- 5c173e5 Post backup/restore status update (#691)
- 50bbb0a Backup and restore PVC (#676)
- d4a53e2 Add BackupConfiguration Controller (#671)
- ef9a4ae Update Kubernetes client libraries to 1.13.0 (#687)
- c48dbfc Separate type definitions into individual files (#646)
- 77f2113 Use flags.DumpAll to dump flags (#624)
- cb54d8c Set periodic analytics (#623)
- 248a53a Add validation webhook xray (#618)
- 2029bf4 Use dynamic pushgateway url (#614)
- bcf5926 Fix offline backup (#537)
- 5049a63 Fix extended apiserver issues with Kubernetes 1.11 (#536)
- 9d31255 Update client-go to v8.0.0 (#528)
- d872b4c Enable status subresource for crds (#524)
- 4795dba Remove ops-address port (#518)
- e95b151 Add support for initial backoff to the apiserver call on recover (#476)
- 120e5de Disable admission controllers for webhook server (#468)
- 2f19545 Update client-go to 7.0.0 (#463)
- e613ff5 Fixes RBAC issue in test (#449)
- 56a3a74 Some cleanup (#446)
- 02565bb Delete restic repository from backend if Repository CRD is deleted (#438)
- ea98067 Fix go_vet error (#440)
- 9d626eb Increase qps and burst limits (#435)
- 5c6713f Show repository snapshot list (#417)
- 6d8ef78 Expose swagger.json (#420)
- 8e04ca0 Create repository crd for each Restic repository (#394)
- 4c9a478 Rename –analytics to –enable-analytics (#384)
- 7ea2220 Replace initializers with mutation webhook for workloads (#363)
- 2770e6b Use admission hook helpers from kutil (#360)
- d3754d7 Implement offline backup for multiple replica (#335)
- 13a2d14 Use official code generator scripts (#336)
- 90642ce Fix e2e tests after webhook merger (#333)
- 2fc3239 Leave secure port unset
- 7cb52b2 Merge admission webhook and operator into one binary (#329)
- 3306427 Implement informer factory for backup scheduler (#325)
- 7bb027b Cleanup apiserver
- fb8c1e4 Copy generic-admission-server into pkg (#318)
- 5a5093f Use shared infromer factory (#317)
- 0ccb948 Use GetBaseVersion method from kutil (#316)
- 8c5e6ff Fix webhook command description (#314)
- 775a2b6 Merge webhook plugins into one. (#311)
- a8659fe Add ValidatingAdmissionWebhook for Stash CRDs (#299)
- c3e177c Added support for private docker registry (#300)
- 62ec42e Update dependencies to Kubernetes 1.9 (#297)
- cf3ea7c Update appscode/go log wrapper (#287)
- 470cc31 Pass –pushgateway-url for injected containers. (#284)
- e2e79c6 Fix kubectl version parsing generation in GKE (#267)
- 326aea4 Detect analytics client id using env vars (#265)
- 4a5912c Prepare docs for 0.6.0 release (#264)
- f75d5df Remove restic-dependency from recovery (#258)
- 86f01f3 Log operator version on start (#253)
- 4e29b70 Simplify clientID generation for analytics (#247)
- a45937f Set analytics clientID (#246)
- ea53cea Enable Restic cahce-dir flag (#241)
- dc0030d Implement offline backup (#229)
- ae40f35 Revendor kutil (#230)
- d68a34d Record recovery status for individual FileGroup (#222)
- 15a24b7 Leader election for deployment, replica set and rc (#206)
- 4a75689 Implement Recovery for Restic Backup (#202)
- 78b3942 Use typed versioned client for CRD
- b857b05 Change
pkg alias to core (#204) - e52f848 Use client-go 5.x
- 4f376ad Set hostname based on resource type (#198)
- e530116 Manage RoleBinding for rbac enabled cluster (#197)
- e28c13f Use workqueue for scheduler (#194)
- 2719cbd Fix e2e tests (#183)
- 9c1cc43 Use workqueue (#182)
- b3ee076 Only watch apps/v1beta1 Deployment (#178)
- 4f92ca6 Use Namespace() method from kutil.
- 78f1e7f Update kutil (#170)
- 29a8a1f Use apis/v1alpha1 instead of internal version (#167)
- da3eb2e Use kubernetes/code-generator (#163)
- 3b1d6bf Expose resync-period as flag
- 35d8dc6 Move analytics collector to root command (#164)
- 6a55694 Migrate TPR to CRD (#160)
- 91f678f Rename RepositorySecretName to StorageSecretName (#135)
- d666c81 Change mount path for labels to /etc/stash
- 1177d60 Part 6 - Update docs (#121)
- a15689d Various bug fixes (#118)
- d8a5771 Set TMPDIR env var for restic (#115)
- 60ed8f7 Update user guide (#94)
- 3a44b41 Prepare for release 5.7.25-beta.20200708 (#55)
- 7e2984b [cherry-pick] Publish to testing dir for alpha/beta releases (#51) (#52)
- aa1eac2 [cherry-pick] Update License (#47) (#48)
- d4370c9 Add commands to update chart version (#45)
- 38fb308 [cherry-pick] Update (#42)
- f3bfd48 [cherry-pick] Update (#39)
- 56e92c4 [cherry-pick] Update release.yml (#36)
- be341e7 [cherry-pick] Add script to update release tracker on pr merge (#32) (#33)
- 96504a7 [cherry-pick] Add workflow to cherry pick commits to master (#28) (#29)
- fcbe891 Fix chart release process (#27)
- c012edf Update .kodiak.toml
- 0d22657 Allow overwriting secret key via SecretTransformation (#26)
- f717a19 Fix unit tests (#25)
- d4f5c4c Create .kodiak.toml
- 2bfa098 Fix typos
- 5c1a53d mend
- 9eb402f Update to Kubernetes v1.18.3 (#24)
- 4d4afa2 Fix waitForDBReady() logic + Make timeout configurable (#23)
- 4548802 Update crazy-max/ghaction-docker-buildx flag
- ce1fa72 Trigger the workflow on push or pull request
- dad10df Auto generate chart readme file
- 462eecf Correctly mark optional fields
- 424ec5a Add openapi v3 schema for values file (#20)
- 4755987 Update CI configuration
- 22e8141 Add support for providing s3 region (#18)
- 793e5e4 Make output.json file writable to all users + Fix Flag types (#17)
- 7d65a07 Update hugo frontmatter for stash website
- 9392ce0 Enable race detector in e2e tests
- 111bbfe Test installers (#15)
- 6eb327f Fix broken link and add AppBinding scheme field (#16)
- 292afdc Add license header to files (#14)
- 35bd620 Split imports into 3 parts (#13)
- 799ee9b Fix BackupSession’s Print Columns (#12)
- 6d62faa Enable make ci (#11)
- 9f5d50e Remove –enable-status-subresource flag (#10)
- fb1cedd Fix argument passing (#9)
- 56f9fdb Only build x86-64 images
- a2bcae7 Add release pipeline (#8)
- 36eb1be Prepare 5.7.25 release
- 09896d9 Update go.yml
- eed5d07 Fix link (#7)
- 8278413 Finalize doc template (#6)
- 4ef23ee Enable GitHub actions
- 5454aac Improve error handling + remove metrics handling part (#5)
- be8e2b6 Use docker buildx to build docker image
- 3d169a2 Use[email protected]
- bd920eb Backup and Restore for MySQL-8.0.14 (#3)
- de01833 Add License headers to make files (#2)
- cc3ee32 Reorganize repo (#1)
- 1972a9a VolumeSnapshot (#787)
- 3f1f4cf Remove importance of order of rule in RestoreSession (#795)
- 86a4af0 Skip BackupSession creation if target does not exist + use timestamp … (#797)
- 3abe6f6 Use restic 0.9.5 (#789)
- 85b21bf Update concept doc (#739)
- ad5c8f2 Add support for backup cluster resources YAML (#721)
- 2bb8ec3 Backup and restore Elasticsearch (#702)
- 1f21268 Update package path to (#776)
- e8fb571 Update to k8s 1.14.0 client libraries using go.mod (#775)
- eab0f8e Remove –rbac flag (#761)
- 4c3e7ea Skip creating/processing backup-session when backup-config is paused (#759)
- 7905eff Stash v1beta1 E2E test for PVC (#753)
- 2c44ee8 Implement snapshots for v1beta1 api (#749)
- c88df7a Run restic commands using docker (#754)
- 8e24d32 Fixed scratch-dir, output-dir and hostname in functions/tasks yamls (#744)
- 8d5944d Add Stash CLI (#734)
- 550ab37 Apply nice/ionice settings from env (#746)
- 42ed76b Stash V1beta1 E2E test for Deployment (#710)
- d63f9e9 Fix openapi path prefixes for validators and mutators (#732)
- c1347ed Add max-connections for GCS, Azure, B2 backend (#730)
- 859c4ee Rename admission webhooks to avoid name collision (#725)
- d631bb9 Apply EmptyDir settings to TmpDir (#719)
- cc70068 Add support for rest backend (#713)
- e4db000 Add support for OpenShift DeploymentConfig (#714)
- 3fa7bdb Backup and restore Mongo DB (#699)
- 4c39235 Backup and restore MySQL DB (#696)
- 3e89d32 Backup and restore Postgres DB (#695)
- 03b95f3 Add BackupSession Controller for Sidecar (#701)
- cacbc7d Update workload controller for new design (#675)
- 5c173e5 Post backup/restore status update (#691)
- 50bbb0a Backup and restore PVC (#676)
- d4a53e2 Add BackupConfiguration Controller (#671)
- ef9a4ae Update Kubernetes client libraries to 1.13.0 (#687)
- c48dbfc Separate type definitions into individual files (#646)
- 77f2113 Use flags.DumpAll to dump flags (#624)
- cb54d8c Set periodic analytics (#623)
- 248a53a Add validation webhook xray (#618)
- 2029bf4 Use dynamic pushgateway url (#614)
- bcf5926 Fix offline backup (#537)
- 5049a63 Fix extended apiserver issues with Kubernetes 1.11 (#536)
- 9d31255 Update client-go to v8.0.0 (#528)
- d872b4c Enable status subresource for crds (#524)
- 4795dba Remove ops-address port (#518)
- e95b151 Add support for initial backoff to the apiserver call on recover (#476)
- 120e5de Disable admission controllers for webhook server (#468)
- 2f19545 Update client-go to 7.0.0 (#463)
- e613ff5 Fixes RBAC issue in test (#449)
- 56a3a74 Some cleanup (#446)
- 02565bb Delete restic repository from backend if Repository CRD is deleted (#438)
- ea98067 Fix go_vet error (#440)
- 9d626eb Increase qps and burst limits (#435)
- 5c6713f Show repository snapshot list (#417)
- 6d8ef78 Expose swagger.json (#420)
- 8e04ca0 Create repository crd for each Restic repository (#394)
- 4c9a478 Rename –analytics to –enable-analytics (#384)
- 7ea2220 Replace initializers with mutation webhook for workloads (#363)
- 2770e6b Use admission hook helpers from kutil (#360)
- d3754d7 Implement offline backup for multiple replica (#335)
- 13a2d14 Use official code generator scripts (#336)
- 90642ce Fix e2e tests after webhook merger (#333)
- 2fc3239 Leave secure port unset
- 7cb52b2 Merge admission webhook and operator into one binary (#329)
- 3306427 Implement informer factory for backup scheduler (#325)
- 7bb027b Cleanup apiserver
- fb8c1e4 Copy generic-admission-server into pkg (#318)
- 5a5093f Use shared infromer factory (#317)
- 0ccb948 Use GetBaseVersion method from kutil (#316)
- 8c5e6ff Fix webhook command description (#314)
- 775a2b6 Merge webhook plugins into one. (#311)
- a8659fe Add ValidatingAdmissionWebhook for Stash CRDs (#299)
- c3e177c Added support for private docker registry (#300)
- 62ec42e Update dependencies to Kubernetes 1.9 (#297)
- cf3ea7c Update appscode/go log wrapper (#287)
- 470cc31 Pass –pushgateway-url for injected containers. (#284)
- e2e79c6 Fix kubectl version parsing generation in GKE (#267)
- 326aea4 Detect analytics client id using env vars (#265)
- 4a5912c Prepare docs for 0.6.0 release (#264)
- f75d5df Remove restic-dependency from recovery (#258)
- 86f01f3 Log operator version on start (#253)
- 4e29b70 Simplify clientID generation for analytics (#247)
- a45937f Set analytics clientID (#246)
- ea53cea Enable Restic cahce-dir flag (#241)
- dc0030d Implement offline backup (#229)
- ae40f35 Revendor kutil (#230)
- d68a34d Record recovery status for individual FileGroup (#222)
- 15a24b7 Leader election for deployment, replica set and rc (#206)
- 4a75689 Implement Recovery for Restic Backup (#202)
- 78b3942 Use typed versioned client for CRD
- b857b05 Change
pkg alias to core (#204) - e52f848 Use client-go 5.x
- 4f376ad Set hostname based on resource type (#198)
- e530116 Manage RoleBinding for rbac enabled cluster (#197)
- e28c13f Use workqueue for scheduler (#194)
- 2719cbd Fix e2e tests (#183)
- 9c1cc43 Use workqueue (#182)
- b3ee076 Only watch apps/v1beta1 Deployment (#178)
- 4f92ca6 Use Namespace() method from kutil.
- 78f1e7f Update kutil (#170)
- 29a8a1f Use apis/v1alpha1 instead of internal version (#167)
- da3eb2e Use kubernetes/code-generator (#163)
- 3b1d6bf Expose resync-period as flag
- 35d8dc6 Move analytics collector to root command (#164)
- 6a55694 Migrate TPR to CRD (#160)
- 91f678f Rename RepositorySecretName to StorageSecretName (#135)
- d666c81 Change mount path for labels to /etc/stash
- 1177d60 Part 6 - Update docs (#121)
- a15689d Various bug fixes (#118)
- d8a5771 Set TMPDIR env var for restic (#115)
- 60ed8f7 Update user guide (#94)
- 0535469 Prepare for release 5.7-beta.20200708 (#33)
- 6aac98e Add commands to update chart version (#30)
- 24431c1 [cherry-pick] Update (#29)
- 89c2a37 [cherry-pick] Update (#28)
- 4163a9c [cherry-pick] Update release.yml (#27)
- 66d54d2 [cherry-pick] Add script to update release tracker on pr merge (#25) (#26)
- f280602 [cherry-pick] Add workflow to cherry pick commits to master (#23) (#24)
- 7ca441c Fix chart release process (#21)
- 76fca67 Update .kodiak.toml
- ecbd60c Allow overwriting secret key via SecretTransformation (#20)
- 8404948 Make waitTimeout configurable through flag (#19)
- 110985a Create .kodiak.toml
- 70ed4b2 Update to Kubernetes v1.18.3 (#18)
- 75efdb9 Update crazy-max/ghaction-docker-buildx flag
- 56b5472 Trigger the workflow on push or pull request
- 14e9f5a Auto generate chart readme file
- 31ff6c4 Correctly mark optional fields
- 3676857 Add openapi v3 schema for values file (#15)
- 9b32ca9 Update CI configuration
- 9ba20af Add support for providing s3 region (#14)
- 2ee6c3b Update percona standalone backup-restore (#13)
- af1a30b Update PerconaXtraDB version for percona xtradb cluster (#12)
- 7ddb43a Make output.json file writable to all users + Fix Flag types (#11)
- 06aa5c3 Update hugo frontmatter for stash website
- 4171676 Enable race detector in e2e tests
- 9ab6f35 Added scheme field in AppBinding (#10)
- a4262ea Test installers (#9)
- 72be668 Don’t build docker image for arm64
- 2974e8b Update license file templates
- dd96199 Add license header to files (#8)
- 93e37a6 Backup and restore doc for Percona XtraDB 5.7 (#7)
- aafee30 Fix percona-xtradb backup & restore (#6)
- 06cbe89 Fix Docker image badge (#5)
- 2e6c4c6 Update Makefile (#4)
- 11da7a1 Add release pipeline (#3)
- 75ca782 Update go.yml
- 998acad Enable GitHub actions
- a32083a Improve error handling + remove metrics handling part (#2)
- 87b38a5 Backup & Restore PerconaXtraDB using Stash (#1)
- a4485ab Reorganize repo
- 1972a9a VolumeSnapshot (#787)
- 3f1f4cf Remove importance of order of rule in RestoreSession (#795)
- 86a4af0 Skip BackupSession creation if target does not exist + use timestamp … (#797)
- 3abe6f6 Use restic 0.9.5 (#789)
- 85b21bf Update concept doc (#739)
- ad5c8f2 Add support for backup cluster resources YAML (#721)
- 2bb8ec3 Backup and restore Elasticsearch (#702)
- 1f21268 Update package path to (#776)
- e8fb571 Update to k8s 1.14.0 client libraries using go.mod (#775)
- eab0f8e Remove –rbac flag (#761)
- 4c3e7ea Skip creating/processing backup-session when backup-config is paused (#759)
- 7905eff Stash v1beta1 E2E test for PVC (#753)
- 2c44ee8 Implement snapshots for v1beta1 api (#749)
- c88df7a Run restic commands using docker (#754)
- 8e24d32 Fixed scratch-dir, output-dir and hostname in functions/tasks yamls (#744)
- 8d5944d Add Stash CLI (#734)
- 550ab37 Apply nice/ionice settings from env (#746)
- 42ed76b Stash V1beta1 E2E test for Deployment (#710)
- d63f9e9 Fix openapi path prefixes for validators and mutators (#732)
- c1347ed Add max-connections for GCS, Azure, B2 backend (#730)
- 859c4ee Rename admission webhooks to avoid name collision (#725)
- d631bb9 Apply EmptyDir settings to TmpDir (#719)
- cc70068 Add support for rest backend (#713)
- e4db000 Add support for OpenShift DeploymentConfig (#714)
- 3fa7bdb Backup and restore Mongo DB (#699)
- 4c39235 Backup and restore MySQL DB (#696)
- 3e89d32 Backup and restore Postgres DB (#695)
- 03b95f3 Add BackupSession Controller for Sidecar (#701)
- cacbc7d Update workload controller for new design (#675)
- 5c173e5 Post backup/restore status update (#691)
- 50bbb0a Backup and restore PVC (#676)
- d4a53e2 Add BackupConfiguration Controller (#671)
- ef9a4ae Update Kubernetes client libraries to 1.13.0 (#687)
- c48dbfc Separate type definitions into individual files (#646)
- 77f2113 Use flags.DumpAll to dump flags (#624)
- cb54d8c Set periodic analytics (#623)
- 248a53a Add validation webhook xray (#618)
- 2029bf4 Use dynamic pushgateway url (#614)
- bcf5926 Fix offline backup (#537)
- 5049a63 Fix extended apiserver issues with Kubernetes 1.11 (#536)
- 9d31255 Update client-go to v8.0.0 (#528)
- d872b4c Enable status subresource for crds (#524)
- 4795dba Remove ops-address port (#518)
- e95b151 Add support for initial backoff to the apiserver call on recover (#476)
- 120e5de Disable admission controllers for webhook server (#468)
- 2f19545 Update client-go to 7.0.0 (#463)
- e613ff5 Fixes RBAC issue in test (#449)
- 56a3a74 Some cleanup (#446)
- 02565bb Delete restic repository from backend if Repository CRD is deleted (#438)
- ea98067 Fix go_vet error (#440)
- 9d626eb Increase qps and burst limits (#435)
- 5c6713f Show repository snapshot list (#417)
- 6d8ef78 Expose swagger.json (#420)
- 8e04ca0 Create repository crd for each Restic repository (#394)
- 4c9a478 Rename –analytics to –enable-analytics (#384)
- 7ea2220 Replace initializers with mutation webhook for workloads (#363)
- 2770e6b Use admission hook helpers from kutil (#360)
- d3754d7 Implement offline backup for multiple replica (#335)
- 13a2d14 Use official code generator scripts (#336)
- 90642ce Fix e2e tests after webhook merger (#333)
- 2fc3239 Leave secure port unset
- 7cb52b2 Merge admission webhook and operator into one binary (#329)
- 3306427 Implement informer factory for backup scheduler (#325)
- 7bb027b Cleanup apiserver
- fb8c1e4 Copy generic-admission-server into pkg (#318)
- 5a5093f Use shared infromer factory (#317)
- 0ccb948 Use GetBaseVersion method from kutil (#316)
- 8c5e6ff Fix webhook command description (#314)
- 775a2b6 Merge webhook plugins into one. (#311)
- a8659fe Add ValidatingAdmissionWebhook for Stash CRDs (#299)
- c3e177c Added support for private docker registry (#300)
- 62ec42e Update dependencies to Kubernetes 1.9 (#297)
- cf3ea7c Update appscode/go log wrapper (#287)
- 470cc31 Pass –pushgateway-url for injected containers. (#284)
- e2e79c6 Fix kubectl version parsing generation in GKE (#267)
- 326aea4 Detect analytics client id using env vars (#265)
- 4a5912c Prepare docs for 0.6.0 release (#264)
- f75d5df Remove restic-dependency from recovery (#258)
- 86f01f3 Log operator version on start (#253)
- 4e29b70 Simplify clientID generation for analytics (#247)
- a45937f Set analytics clientID (#246)
- ea53cea Enable Restic cahce-dir flag (#241)
- dc0030d Implement offline backup (#229)
- ae40f35 Revendor kutil (#230)
- d68a34d Record recovery status for individual FileGroup (#222)
- 15a24b7 Leader election for deployment, replica set and rc (#206)
- 4a75689 Implement Recovery for Restic Backup (#202)
- 78b3942 Use typed versioned client for CRD
- b857b05 Change
pkg alias to core (#204) - e52f848 Use client-go 5.x
- 4f376ad Set hostname based on resource type (#198)
- e530116 Manage RoleBinding for rbac enabled cluster (#197)
- e28c13f Use workqueue for scheduler (#194)
- 2719cbd Fix e2e tests (#183)
- 9c1cc43 Use workqueue (#182)
- b3ee076 Only watch apps/v1beta1 Deployment (#178)
- 4f92ca6 Use Namespace() method from kutil.
- 78f1e7f Update kutil (#170)
- 29a8a1f Use apis/v1alpha1 instead of internal version (#167)
- da3eb2e Use kubernetes/code-generator (#163)
- 3b1d6bf Expose resync-period as flag
- 35d8dc6 Move analytics collector to root command (#164)
- 6a55694 Migrate TPR to CRD (#160)
- 91f678f Rename RepositorySecretName to StorageSecretName (#135)
- d666c81 Change mount path for labels to /etc/stash
- 1177d60 Part 6 - Update docs (#121)
- a15689d Various bug fixes (#118)
- d8a5771 Set TMPDIR env var for restic (#115)
- 60ed8f7 Update user guide (#94)
- d85fc80 Prepare for release 9.6-beta.20200708 (#88)
- fbd6766 [cherry-pick] Publish to testing dir for alpha/beta releases (#78) (#83)
- 1b32879 [cherry-pick] Update License (#72) (#77)
- 388ddee Add commands to update chart version (#71)
- 875c1f0 [cherry-pick] Update (#70)
- 0e71e2d [cherry-pick] Update (#65)
- bbfac61 [cherry-pick] Update release.yml (#55) (#60)
- 986d0a7 [cherry-pick] Add script to update release tracker on pr merge (#49) (#54)
- 6edaf36 [cherry-pick] Remove /cherry-pick from cherry picked prs (#43) (#48)
- 6743dbe [cherry-pick] Add workflow to cherry pick commits to master (#37) (#42)
- fb4f222 Fix chart release process (#36)
- b5ddf5f Update .kodiak.toml
- 7951787 Fix waitForDBReady() logic + Make timeout configurable (#35)
- e7bb18f Create .kodiak.toml
- 60acc09 Merge pull request Allow overriding secret keys from AppBinding #33
- aaff7fb Fix typos (#32)
- 568f584 Update to Kubernetes v1.18.3 (#34)
- 098bb78 Update crazy-max/ghaction-docker-buildx flag
- 4385362 function-args: add pg-back-cmd option
- 7cd065c Trigger the workflow on push or pull request
- b63e3e5 Auto generate chart readme file
- dea1a41 Correctly mark optional fields
- efc4283 Add openapi v3 schema for values file (#27)
- 99a417e Update CI configuration
- 712aabb Add support for providing s3 region (#26)
- 111a3fe Make output.json file writable to all users + Fix Flag types (#25)
- 1694bb7 Update hugo frontmatter for stash website
- ab592bd Enable race detector in e2e tests
- 6df8761 Fixed broken link, Added AppBinding scheme field (#24)
- e3f4905 Test installers (#23)
- a3c2d0f Add license header to files (#22)
- 320def8 Enable make ci (#21)
- 9a7b843 Fix BackupSession’s Print Columns (#20)
- 73d7b1c Enable make ci (#19)
- 46d5ae8 Remove –enable-status-subresource flag (#18)
- 08067ca Fix arguments passing (#17)
- 0c1db21 Add release pipeline (#16)
- 3d33fd4 adjust frontmatter weight
- 41e3555 Update resources for 9.6
- 775ffab Update go.yml
- 67cb695 Fix BackupConfiguration retention policy (#11)
- 9228437 Fix link + grammar (#10)
- bddb9cd Enable GitHub actions
- f42ada5 Fix menu id in frontmatter
- a59bed1 Finalize doc template (#9)
- 08274c9 Fix typo (#8)
- afad5db Refactor error + metric handling (#7)
- 248d0ea Use Endpoint for REST server URL (remove –rest-server-url flag) (#6)
- 41d2a53 Remove metrics options from function (#5)
- d276da0 Use docker buildx to build docker image
- 3c0e71d Use[email protected]
- 5eab8f5 Update
- 0f37446 Rename Functions and Tasks (#4)
- b1b3e80 Update Chart.yaml
- a1bee9b Update
- 904549a Update
- 1c99280 Add Chart and documentation (#2)
- 0238497 Add ca-certificates package in Docker image (#3)
- b0e6b2b Reorganize repo (#1)
- 1972a9a VolumeSnapshot (#787)
- 3f1f4cf Remove importance of order of rule in RestoreSession (#795)
- 86a4af0 Skip BackupSession creation if target does not exist + use timestamp … (#797)
- 3abe6f6 Use restic 0.9.5 (#789)
- 85b21bf Update concept doc (#739)
- ad5c8f2 Add support for backup cluster resources YAML (#721)
- 2bb8ec3 Backup and restore Elasticsearch (#702)
- 1f21268 Update package path to (#776)
- e8fb571 Update to k8s 1.14.0 client libraries using go.mod (#775)
- eab0f8e Remove –rbac flag (#761)
- 4c3e7ea Skip creating/processing backup-session when backup-config is paused (#759)
- 7905eff Stash v1beta1 E2E test for PVC (#753)
- 2c44ee8 Implement snapshots for v1beta1 api (#749)
- c88df7a Run restic commands using docker (#754)
- 8e24d32 Fixed scratch-dir, output-dir and hostname in functions/tasks yamls (#744)
- 8d5944d Add Stash CLI (#734)
- 550ab37 Apply nice/ionice settings from env (#746)
- 42ed76b Stash V1beta1 E2E test for Deployment (#710)
- d63f9e9 Fix openapi path prefixes for validators and mutators (#732)
- c1347ed Add max-connections for GCS, Azure, B2 backend (#730)
- 859c4ee Rename admission webhooks to avoid name collision (#725)
- d631bb9 Apply EmptyDir settings to TmpDir (#719)
- cc70068 Add support for rest backend (#713)
- e4db000 Add support for OpenShift DeploymentConfig (#714)
- 3fa7bdb Backup and restore Mongo DB (#699)
- 4c39235 Backup and restore MySQL DB (#696)
- 3e89d32 Backup and restore Postgres DB (#695)
- 03b95f3 Add BackupSession Controller for Sidecar (#701)
- cacbc7d Update workload controller for new design (#675)
- 5c173e5 Post backup/restore status update (#691)
- 50bbb0a Backup and restore PVC (#676)
- d4a53e2 Add BackupConfiguration Controller (#671)
- ef9a4ae Update Kubernetes client libraries to 1.13.0 (#687)
- c48dbfc Separate type definitions into individual files (#646)
- 77f2113 Use flags.DumpAll to dump flags (#624)
- cb54d8c Set periodic analytics (#623)
- 248a53a Add validation webhook xray (#618)
- 2029bf4 Use dynamic pushgateway url (#614)
- bcf5926 Fix offline backup (#537)
- 5049a63 Fix extended apiserver issues with Kubernetes 1.11 (#536)
- 9d31255 Update client-go to v8.0.0 (#528)
- d872b4c Enable status subresource for crds (#524)
- 4795dba Remove ops-address port (#518)
- e95b151 Add support for initial backoff to the apiserver call on recover (#476)
- 120e5de Disable admission controllers for webhook server (#468)
- 2f19545 Update client-go to 7.0.0 (#463)
- e613ff5 Fixes RBAC issue in test (#449)
- 56a3a74 Some cleanup (#446)
- 02565bb Delete restic repository from backend if Repository CRD is deleted (#438)
- ea98067 Fix go_vet error (#440)
- 9d626eb Increase qps and burst limits (#435)
- 5c6713f Show repository snapshot list (#417)
- 6d8ef78 Expose swagger.json (#420)
- 8e04ca0 Create repository crd for each Restic repository (#394)
- 4c9a478 Rename –analytics to –enable-analytics (#384)
- 7ea2220 Replace initializers with mutation webhook for workloads (#363)
- 2770e6b Use admission hook helpers from kutil (#360)
- d3754d7 Implement offline backup for multiple replica (#335)
- 13a2d14 Use official code generator scripts (#336)
- 90642ce Fix e2e tests after webhook merger (#333)
- 2fc3239 Leave secure port unset
- 7cb52b2 Merge admission webhook and operator into one binary (#329)
- 3306427 Implement informer factory for backup scheduler (#325)
- 7bb027b Cleanup apiserver
- fb8c1e4 Copy generic-admission-server into pkg (#318)
- 5a5093f Use shared infromer factory (#317)
- 0ccb948 Use GetBaseVersion method from kutil (#316)
- 8c5e6ff Fix webhook command description (#314)
- 775a2b6 Merge webhook plugins into one. (#311)
- a8659fe Add ValidatingAdmissionWebhook for Stash CRDs (#299)
- c3e177c Added support for private docker registry (#300)
- 62ec42e Update dependencies to Kubernetes 1.9 (#297)
- cf3ea7c Update appscode/go log wrapper (#287)
- 470cc31 Pass –pushgateway-url for injected containers. (#284)
- e2e79c6 Fix kubectl version parsing generation in GKE (#267)
- 326aea4 Detect analytics client id using env vars (#265)
- 4a5912c Prepare docs for 0.6.0 release (#264)
- f75d5df Remove restic-dependency from recovery (#258)
- 86f01f3 Log operator version on start (#253)
- 4e29b70 Simplify clientID generation for analytics (#247)
- a45937f Set analytics clientID (#246)
- ea53cea Enable Restic cahce-dir flag (#241)
- dc0030d Implement offline backup (#229)
- ae40f35 Revendor kutil (#230)
- d68a34d Record recovery status for individual FileGroup (#222)
- 15a24b7 Leader election for deployment, replica set and rc (#206)
- 4a75689 Implement Recovery for Restic Backup (#202)
- 78b3942 Use typed versioned client for CRD
- b857b05 Change
pkg alias to core (#204) - e52f848 Use client-go 5.x
- 4f376ad Set hostname based on resource type (#198)
- e530116 Manage RoleBinding for rbac enabled cluster (#197)
- e28c13f Use workqueue for scheduler (#194)
- 2719cbd Fix e2e tests (#183)
- 9c1cc43 Use workqueue (#182)
- b3ee076 Only watch apps/v1beta1 Deployment (#178)
- 4f92ca6 Use Namespace() method from kutil.
- 78f1e7f Update kutil (#170)
- 29a8a1f Use apis/v1alpha1 instead of internal version (#167)
- da3eb2e Use kubernetes/code-generator (#163)
- 3b1d6bf Expose resync-period as flag
- 35d8dc6 Move analytics collector to root command (#164)
- 6a55694 Migrate TPR to CRD (#160)
- 91f678f Rename RepositorySecretName to StorageSecretName (#135)
- d666c81 Change mount path for labels to /etc/stash
- 1177d60 Part 6 - Update docs (#121)
- a15689d Various bug fixes (#118)
- d8a5771 Set TMPDIR env var for restic (#115)
- 60ed8f7 Update user guide (#94)
- c8b81cf7 Prepare for release v0.10.0-beta.0 (#1145)
- 2d145f47 Clarify Docker images are dually licensed
- 693ab7df Update License (#1144)
- e13d67eb Update to Kubernetes v1.18.3 (#1142)
- 26ee605a Update ci.yml
- 9fa95666 Add workflow to update docs (#1136)
- 95a62a95 Update
- 379c90d5 Update
- cd0a70ee Use GITHUB_BASE_REF to detect target branch
- e27c5f66 Add script to update release tracker on pr merge (#1132)
- b0dd5051 Update .kodiak.toml
- e87bad80 Parameterize installer namespace
- da8d8956 Format CI workflows
- bbde40a3 Update to Kubernetes v1.18.3 (#1129)
- 38eb3781 Update to Kubernetes v1.18.3
- 197aa7bd Create .kodiak.toml
- 181ca49e Update coverage script
- 26602c96 Merge pull request #1125 from stashed/fix-ci-tests
- 54f87b78 Increase wait timeout
- 43428085 Remove unnecessary test codes + run test in parallel
- 8a780e0c Fix clone-pvc tests
- 7027c0f6 Fix E2E test
- 31de588a Change GCS test bucket name to stash-ci (#1122)
- 30a490a6 Merge pull request #1121 from stashed/baseline-psp
- 419a18e3 Use StringSlice type flag
- 9dd3804d Make PSP names configurable through flag
- e4edef44 Always use baseline PSP
- cf1538a0 Use filepath.Join to generate Repository prefix for BackupBatch (#1120)
- be189169 Go back to using engineerd/setup-kind
- ae2d74fa Update dependencies (#1117)
- a93a5b4c Remove defaults from CRD v1beta1 (#1116)
- 40e65761 Use CRD v1 for Kubernetes >= 1.16 (#1115)
- 7d851e53 Merge pull request #1114 from stashed/x7
- 352ddeed Use preinstalled kind
- 11c9e422 Pass context
- 21053603 Update to Kubernetes 1.18.3
- f450e9cc Add wait for target logic + add conditions for BackupConfiguration + BackupBatch + RestoreSession (#1108)
- 8f8ff87e Fix volume snapshot job cleanup (#1090)
- a4a868b5 Merge pull request #1111 from stashed/fix-interimVolume
- 108d0252 Set BackupSession as owner of the pvc created from interimVolumeTemplate
- fd136c53 Use Go 1.14.3
- 74c71d22 Update crazy-max/ghaction-docker-buildx flag
- f783899b Trigger the workflow on push to master
- e7eceb30 Trigger the workflow on push or pull request
- fe479e8c Use kind v0.8.0
- 9fc4665a Merge pull request #1093 from robotinfra/master
- ef2d57e3 fix typo succesSfully
- d8d35c49 fix event types mismatch
- 53dfe8b0 Update stash labels in Makefile
- c8081c1d Pass image pull secrets to helm chart
- 37b9b312 Use Go 1.14.2 (#1074)
- 09621974 Update K8s version 1.14.6 to 1.14.10 (#1084)
- 8a1ab32c Give backup triggering CronJob all permissions for Stash crds (#1083)
- 53b932b1 Use kubectl 1.17 (#1082)
- 5cdeebee Fix nil pointer exception during VolumeSnapshot (#1073)
- 30630d60 Assign returned error properly crateRestoreSessoin() (#1069)
- 3fcbe1b7 Update to reflect Stash’s capability properly (#1060)
- 53513cfe Update
- d615e2c0 Add license scan report and status (#1031)