Stash supports AWS S3 or S3 compatible storage services like Minio servers, Rook Object Store, DigitalOceans Space as a backend. This tutorial will show you how to use this backend.

In order to use S3 or S3 compatible storage service as backend, you have to create a Secret and a Repository object pointing to the desired bucket.

If the bucket does not exist yet, Stash will create it automatically in the default region (us-east-1) during the first backup. In this case, you have to make sure that the bucket name is unique across all S3 buckets. Currently, it is not possible for Stash to create bucket in different region. You have to create the bucket in your desired region before using it in Stash.

Create Storage Secret

To configure storage secret for this backend, following secret keys are needed:

RESTIC_PASSWORDRequiredPassword that will be used to encrypt the backup snapshots.
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_IDRequiredAWS / Minio / Rook / DigitalOcean Spaces access key ID
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEYRequiredAWS / Minio / Rook / DigitalOcean Spaces secret access key
CA_CERT_DATAoptionalCA certificate used by storage backend. This can be used to pass the root certificate that has been used to sign the server certificate of a TLS secured Minio server.

Create storage secret as below,

$ echo -n 'changeit' > RESTIC_PASSWORD
$ echo -n '<your-aws-access-key-id-here>' > AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID
$ echo -n '<your-aws-secret-access-key-here>' > AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
$ kubectl create secret generic -n demo s3-secret \
    --from-file=./RESTIC_PASSWORD \
    --from-file=./AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID \
secret/s3-secret created

For TLS secured Minio Server, create secret as below,

$ echo -n 'changeit' > RESTIC_PASSWORD
$ echo -n '<your-minio-access-key-id-here>' > AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID
$ echo -n '<your-minio-secret-access-key-here>' > AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
$ cat ./directory/of/root/certificate/ca.crt > CA_CERT_DATA
$ kubectl create secret generic -n demo minio-secret \
    --from-file=./RESTIC_PASSWORD \
    --from-file=./AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID \
    --from-file=./AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY \
secret/minio-secret created
If you are using a Minio backend, make sure that you are using AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID instead of MINIO_ACCESS_KEY and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY instead of MINIO_SECRET_KEY.

Create Repository

Now, you have to create a Repository crd. You have to provide the storage secret that we have created earlier in spec.backend.storageSecretName field.

Following parameters are available for S3 backend.

s3.endpointRequiredFor S3, use If your bucket is in a different location, S3 server ( will redirect Stash to the correct endpoint. For DigitalOCean, use etc. depending on your bucket region. For S3-compatible other storage services like Minio / Rook use URL of the server.
s3.bucketRequiredName of Bucket. If the bucket does not exist yet it will be created in the default location (us-east-1 for S3). It is not possible at the moment for Stash to create a new bucket in a different location, so you need to create it using a different program.
s3.regionOptionalSpecify the region of your bucket.
s3.prefixOptionalPath prefix inside the bucket where the backed up data will be stored.
s3.insecureTLSOptionalSpecify whether to skip TLS certificate verification. Setting this field to true disables verification, which might be necessary in cases where the server uses self-signed certificates or certificates from an untrusted CA. Use this option with caution, as it can expose the client to man-in-the-middle attacks and other security risks. Only use it when absolutely necessary.

Below, the YAML of a sample Repository crd that uses an S3 bucket as a backend.

kind: Repository
  name: s3-repo
  namespace: demo
      endpoint: # use server URL for s3 compatible other storage service
      bucket: stash-demo
      region: us-west-1
      prefix: /backup/demo/deployment/stash-demo
    storageSecretName: s3-secret

For S3 compatible Minio and other storage services, specify the endpoint with connection scheme (http, or https),

kind: Repository
  name: minio-repo
  namespace: demo
      endpoint: https://my-minio-service.minio-namespace.svc
      bucket: stash-demo
      prefix: /backup/demo/deployment/stash-demo
    storageSecretName: s3-secret

Create the s3-repo Repository we have shown above using the following command,

$ kubectl apply -f
repository/s3-repo created

Now, we are ready to use this backend to backup our desired data using Stash.

Next Steps

  • Learn how to use Stash to backup workloads data from here.
  • Learn how to use Stash to backup databases from here.
  • Learn how to use Stash to backup stand-alone PVC from here.