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Frequently Asked Questions

How to temporarily pause a backup?

Pause Backup

Run the following commands to pasue a backup temporarily,

# pause backup by patching BackupConfiguration
❯ kubectl patch backupconfiguration -n <namespace> <backupconfiguration name> --type="merge" --patch='{"spec": {"paused": true}}'

# pause backup using Stash `kubectl` plugin 
❯ kubectl stash pause backup -n demo --backupconfig=<backupconfiguration name>

Resume Backup

Similarly you can also resume a paused backup. Run the following commands to resume a backup,

# resume backup by patching BackupConfiguration
kubectl patch backupconfiguration -n <namespace> <backupconfiguration name> --type="merge" --patch='{"spec": {"paused": false}}'

# resume backup using Stash `kubectl` plugin
❯ kubectl stash resume backup -n demo --backupconfig=<backupconfiguration name>

When retentionPolicy is applied?

retentionPolicy specifies the policy to follow for cleaning old snapshots. Stash removes any snapshot from backend that falls outside the scope of the policy. When a BackupSession is completed, Stash checks for outdated snapshots according to the retentionPolicy and remove them. If you use the policy keep-last-5, Stash will remove any snapshot that is older than the most recent 5 snapshots.

Do I need to delete the init containers after recovery?

You don’t need to delete the init containers after recovery. If your workload restarts with the stash-init init-container for any reason, the init-container will skip running restore process if there is no pending RestoreSession for this workload. If you delete the RestoreSession, Stash will remove the init-container automatically. Beware that it will cause your workload to restart.

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