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How to Troubleshoot Stash Issues

This guide will give you an overview of how you can gather the necessary information to identify the issue that causes the backup/restore failure.

Troubleshoot Backup Issues

In this section, we are going to explain how to troubleshoot backup issues.

Backup was Never Triggered

If you have created the desired BackupConfiguration but the respective backup triggering CronJob was never created or any BackupSession was not created in the scheduled time, in this case, follow the following steps:

Describe the BackupConfiguration

At first, you should describe the respective BackupConfiguration as below:

kubectl describe backupconfiguration <backupconfiguration name> -n <namespace>

Now, check the Status section of BackupConfiguration. Make sure all the conditions are True. If there is any issue during backup setup, you should see the error in the respective condition.

Also, check the event to see if there is any indication of an error.

Check Stash operator log

If you don’t notice any error in the previous step, you should check the Stash operator log.

Run the following command to view the Stash operator log:

# Identify the Stash operator pod
kubectl get pods --all-namespaces | grep stash

# View log of Stash operator pod
kubectl logs -n <operator namespace> <stash operator pod name> -c operator

Now, inspect the log carefully. You should see the respective error in the log.

Backup Failed

If a backup fails, follow the following steps to identify the root cause.

Describe the BackupSession

At first, describe the failing BackupSession. You should see the respective error in the Status section.

kubectl describe backupsession <backupsession name> -n <namespace>

Also, check the Events section. Sometimes, it can be helpful to identify the issue.

View Backup Job/Sidecar log

If you don’t see any error in the previous step, you should try checking the log of the respective backup job/sidecar.

If you are trying to backup a workload, run the following command to inspect the log:

kubectl logs -n <namespace> <workload pod name> -c stash

If you are trying to backup using Stash addons, run the following command to inspect the log:

# Identify the backup pod
kubectl get pods -n <namespace> | grep stash-backup

# View the log of the backup pod
kubectl logs -n <namespace> <backup pod name> --all-containers

Inspect the log carefully. You should notice the respective error that leads to backup failure.

Troubleshoot Restore Issues

If a restore fails, follow the following steps to identify the root cause.

Describe the RestoreSession

At first, describe the failing RestoreSession. You should see the respective error in the Status section.

kubectl describe restoresession <restoresession name> -n <namespace>

Also, check the Events section. Sometimes, it can be helpful to identify the issue.

View Restore Job/Init-Container log

If you don’t see any error in the previous step, you should try checking the log of the respective restore job / init-container.

If you are trying to restore a workload, run the following command to inspect the log:

kubectl logs -n <namespace> <workload pod name> -c stash-init

If you are trying to restore using Stash addons, run the following command to inspect the log:

# Identify the restore pod
kubectl get pods -n <namespace> | grep stash-restore

# View the log of the restore pod
kubectl logs -n <namespace> <restore pod name> --all-containers

Inspect the log carefully. You should notice the respective error that leads to restore failure.

Debug with Stash kubectl Plugin

You can use the Stash kubectl plugin to debug any backup/restore issue.

Debug Backup

Run the following command to inspect any backup issue,

kubectl stash debug backup -n <namespace> --backupconfig <backupconfiguration name>

The above command will:

  • Show version information of Kubernetes and Stash
  • Describe relevent BackupConfiguration, BackupSessions, and Pods
  • Show logs from the relevent Pods

Debug Restore

Run the following command to inspect any restore issue,

kubectl stash debug restore -n <namespace> --restoresession <restoresession name>

The above command will:

  • Show version information of Kubernetes and Stash
  • Describe relevent RestoreSession and Pods
  • Show logs from the relevent Pods

Debug Operator

Run the following command to view the Stash operator log:

kubectl stash debug operator